Training for the role of HSR is not mandatory. However, HSRs are encouraged to take up this training entitlement to provide them with the skills and knowledge to perform their role effectively. HSR Training courses for 2025
Training entitlements
All HSRs and deputy HSRs are entitled to attend approved training during each year of their term of office.
Employers must allow them to attend HSR training (up to the prescribed training entitlement) within 3 months of making a request. Employers must pay the course fees and any other reasonable costs associated with the training including providing paid time off work (at their usual pay rate), regardless of any pre-existing procurement arrangements at the organisation. Negotiation on anticipated accrued costs should occur prior to course attendance.
Whilst training is not mandatory to perform most of the functions of an HSR, a HSR will not be able to exercise the power to issue Provisional Improvement Notices (PIN’s) or direct the cessation of unsafe work unless they have completed the initial 5 day (Level 1) training.
HSRs may choose to consult with the PCBU (e.g. seek their views on suitability of courses) or seek advice (e.g. from worker representatives) when choosing the course of training. While the choice of training course remains with the HSR, they will need to consult and reach agreement with the PCBU on the timing for attendance and reasonable costs of attending the training course.
Training entitlements during a 3-year term of office are:
- First year – 5 days
- Second year – 3 days
- Third year – 2 days
If re-elected for another 3-year term an HSR will have the same training entitlements, however a range of other approved WHS training courses are also offered and may be undertaken by the HSR as an alternative to repeating the level 1, 2 or 3 training.
When choosing an approved training course, factors that may be considered include:
- timing of attendance—the sooner the HSR attends training after being elected, the more effective they will be in performing the HSR role.
- cost of courses, where prices differ substantially.
- costs of attendance for remotely located workplaces including travel and accommodation expenses. (A Remote Area Subsidy is available to those who meet the eligibility criteria)
- the relevance of any hazard-specific or industry-based course to the work group.
- the total number of workers requiring training.
There is additional training, workshops, seminars and/or relevant conferences held throughout the year which are outside the HSR training entitlement days. HSRs will need to negotiate attendance at these courses with their employer.
HSRs must attend approved training courses. See approved HSR Training courses for 2025.
The training calendar is updated as and when dates are announced by the training providers. We do not sponsor or endorse, nor can we recommend, any particular training provider.
The courses will cover the following content:
5-day course (first year initial training):
- interpreting the work health and safety (WHS) legislative framework and its relationship to the HSR
- identifying key parties, legislative obligations and duties
- establishing representation in the workplace
- participating in consultation and issue resolution
- representing members in the WHS risk management process undertaken by the PCBU
- issuing a provisional improvement notice and directing the cessation of work.
3-day course (second year training):
- participating in, and contributing to, the formation of risk management processes and controls for multiple hazards, complex risks and concepts of reasonably practicable undertaken by the PCBU
- participating in, and contributing to, the gathering of hazard and risk-related statistical data and information for identifying and controlling multiple hazards and complex risks
- representing members in the formation of WHS action plans for multiple hazards and complex risks.
2-day course (third year training):
- aims to add and extend to the range of skills and knowledge acquired in the 5 day and 3 day initial courses. An important feature of the course design is the flexibility of topics to enable participants to select areas directly relevant to their workplace management structure and own experience.
1-day refresher and topic-specific options:
- WHS refresher, aimed at providing a brief overview of the learning outcomes covered during an HSR’s first term of office, with particular attention to amendments to WHS legislation and supporting resources.
- consultation processes
- contributing to workplace health and wellbeing
- fatigue management
- inappropriate behaviours
- inspections and incident investigation
- policy and procedures.
Remote Area Subsidy
The HSR Remote Area Subsidy is intended to make a contribution towards additional travel, accommodation and meal expenses for participants who meet the eligibility criteria.
Eligibility criteria includes:
- either:
- a participant’s registered place of work is more than 100km from one of the following regional training centres:
- Barossa Valley
- Millicent
- Mount Gambier
- Murray Bridge
- Port Augusta
- Port Lincoln
- Port Pirie
- Whyalla; and
- the training centre a participant attended for HSR training was more than 100km from their registered place of work; or
- a participant’s registered place of work is more than 100km from one of the following regional training centres:
- the participant works in a high-risk occupation or high-risk industry
- the participant’s employer:
- has less than 100 workers (worldwide); and
- is not self-insured.
We must receive applications for the subsidy within 12 months of the date of course completion.
The participant/employer must provide evidence (receipts) to support the application. The subsidy is discretional and circumstances are considered on an individual basis and in the context of the stated eligibility criteria.
Examples of circumstances may be where the HSR is from a very small business experiencing financial hardship and cannot afford to pay for the HSR’s travel/accommodation costs, as well as wages for the duration of the course (required under the WHS Act).
For more information contact our Help Centre on 1300 365 255.
Training providers
Training providers who wish to deliver training for elected Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) and deputy HSRs in South Australia can apply to us for approval.
Prospective training providers must:
- ensure they have sufficient resources to undertake the administrative activities necessary to comply
- apply for approval by referring to the guidelines which include an application form
- develop HSR training courses for approval by referring to our 5-day, 3-day, 2-day and 1-day course learning objectives and outcomes.
Find a provider
These training organisations are currently offering HSR training.
Access Training Centre
7 La Salle Street, Dudley Park SA 5008
Phone: 8169 9800
Adelaide Training and Employment Centre (ATEC)
275 Grand Junction Road, Ottoway SA 5013
Phone: 8444 1608
ASC Training and Development
Level 2, 185 Victoria Square, Adelaide SA 5000
Phone: 8410 2627
South Australian Business Chamber
1/136 Greenhill Road, Unley SA 5061
Phone: 8300 0089
Construction Industry Training Centre
491 - 499 South Road, Regency Park SA 5010
Phone: 8301 4500
Gramac Solutions
1a Hedley Street, Mount Gambier SA 5290
Phone: 8724 8577
JobSafe SA
22-24 Main Street, Mawson Lakes SA 5095
Phone: 8360 1920
Fire and Safety Australia Pty Ltd (NSCA)
6-7 Hartnett Close, Mulgrave Vic 3170
Phone: 1800 655 510
Paragon Work Health Safety Pty Ltd
PO Box 24, O'Sullivan Beach, SA 5166
Phone:0407 828 879
SA Unions
170 Greenhill Road, Parkside SA 5063
Phone: 8279 2217
Sustainable Risk Solutions Pty Ltd
PO Box 10369, Adelaide BC SA 5000
Phone: 8391 6246
Dumas Street, Mount Barker SA 5251
Phone: 1800 882 661
United Workers Union
Unit 1-101 Henley Beach Road, Mile End SA 5031
Phone: 1300 275 689