Roll cages are wheeled cages used for the movement of stock and goods.

Injuries in the workplace can be sustained when:
- the cage is stacked to a height that creates a blind spot in front of the cage, preventing the operator from observing obstacles or people
- a heavy load impacts the ability to manoeuvre the roll cage
- moving the roll cage through pedestrian walkways.
Safety tips
You need to develop procedures and implement controls for the safe operation of roll cages.
Procedure and controls may include:
- ensuring roll cages, where a blind spot may exist, are only moved with the aid of a support person who can act as a spotter
- if a cage needs to be moved by a single operator, ensuring products are loaded in such a way that it does not create a blind spot
- restricting the use of roll cages to times when the store is closed to minimise risks to people.
You should also train workers how to:
- use roll cages correctly
- stack the roll cage (eg evenly balance loads, minimise blind spots)
- move the roll cage through pedestrian walkways.