The PCBU has a primary duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the health and safety of their workers is not put at risk from the conduct of the business or undertaking.
This duty also applies to others in their workplace, like clients, visitors, customers and volunteers.
Ensure you have:
- a safe work environment
- policies and procedures and safe work practices in place
- a work environment and work culture free of discrimination, harassment and bullying
- adequate facilities and training to support the welfare of workers
- safe plant and structures.
Provide all workers with:
- an induction into the business
- sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure that they are competent to work safely
- do not give workers tasks unless they have the necessary skills
- any necessary personal protective equipment
- current health and safety policies and procedures; taking new workers through your procedures is a great way to convey safety standards and expectations
If you have a new worker:
- give them your time
- encourage them to ask questions
- make sure they are comfortable using any plant and equipment safely.
A PCBU cannot transfer their duty of care or responsibilities to another party.
Further information on an employers responsibilities for specific topics are available throughout the pages of this website.
ReturnToWorkSA provides insurance that protects businesses which employ workers in South Australia from the costs of a work injury.