A licence is required for LP gas (class 2.1), flammable liquids (class 3), toxic substances (class 6) and corrosive substances (Class 8) when certain limits are exceeded.

Dangerous substance storage licences

Applying for a licence

Dangerous Substance licences include Class 3 Motor Spirit and Class 2 LPG Storage. If you intend to sell Class 3 Motor Spirits to the public you must apply for a licence to sell petroleum products.

Application for a licence to keep a dangerous substance Fees are dependent on the class and storage size.
Refer to our List of fees.
1 year
Application to vary a licence to keep a dangerous substance N/A Until next renewal

For each dangerous substance stored, supply the following:

  • name of dangerous substance
  • class of substance
  • quantity
  • packing group and how stored
  • detailed site plan (ie buildings/fences/roads/ignition points/fire extinguishers/drainage and bunding/signage etc.)

If the site has a change of ownership, the new owner must submit a new application for a licence to keep a dangerous substance, along with a site plan and proof of change of ownership (ie a letter of surrender from the previous owner, or similar document).

Applicants must be familiar with the provisions of the Dangerous Substances Act 1979 (SA) and the Dangerous Substances (General) Regulations 2017.

Fees to keep dangerous substances

Calculate the fees you need to pay by adding together fees for the total capacity of each substance within each class table. Fees are exempt from GST under Division 81 of the New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Act 1999).

Dangerous substances Class 2

For the purposes of calculating fees, the water capacity of a 45 kilogram liquefied petroleum gas cylinder must be taken to be 109 litres.

For each licensed premises in which the aggregate capacity of tanks, packaging and cylindersFeeDuration
LPG exceeds 560 litres (water capacity) but not exceeding 20 kilolitres $232 1 year
LPG exceeds 20 kilolitres (water capacity) but not exceeding 100 kilolitres $656 1 year
LPG exceeds 100 kilolitres (water capacity) $1,062 1 year

Dangerous substances Class 3 - includes Motor Spirit

For each licensed premises in which the aggregate capacity of tanks, packaging and cylindersFeeDuration
Exceeds 120 litres but not exceeding 1 kilolitre $121 1 year
Exceeds 1 kilolitre but not exceeding 25 kilolitres $232 1 year
Exceeds 25 kilolitres but not exceeding 250 kilolitres $570 1 year
Exceeds 250 kilolitres but not exceeding 2500 kilolitres $1,949 1 year
Exceeds 2,500 kilolitres but not exceeding 10,000 kilolitres $6,554 1 year
Exceeding 10,000 kilolitres $10,782 1 year

Dangerous substances Classes 6 and 8

For each licensed premises, where the sum of the maximum volume in litres and mass in kilograms of class 6 or 8 substances that may be kept in the premises pursuant to the licence.

For each licensed premisesFeeDuration
Does not exceed 1,000 $121 1 year
Exceeds 1,000 but not exceeding 25,000 $232 1 year
Exceeds 25,000 but not exceeding 250,000 $570 1 year
Exceeds 250,000 but not exceeding 2,500,000 $1,949 1 year
Exceeds 2,500,000 $6,554 1 year

Dangerous substances transport

Transporting dangerous substances is an operation that has the potential to impact the environment and the surrounding community, which is why dangerous goods classifies the substances as dangerous for transport via road, rail, air or sea; emphasising the risk and necessity for licensing and regulations to abide by.

You can apply for exemptions, approvals and determinations under the Dangerous Substances (Dangerous Goods Transport) Regulations 2023 by completing the application forms.


Your exemption identifies a provision of the regulations under the Act that you wish to exempt. There must be details of the dangerous substances to which the exemption may apply. The exemption will specifically relate to the transport of the dangerous goods by vehicle.

Dangerous substances - Transport - Exemption $409 N/A


Completing the application for approvals will ensure you have approval to be licenced under the Dangerous substances legislation. Ensuring the necessary steps has been completed to gain approval for certain tasks that are involved with dangerous substances such as the method of segregation and the use of a vehicle to transport the dangerous goods.

Dangerous substances transport - Tank vehicle design - Approval $409 N/A
Dangerous substances - Transport and storage - Approval or variation $409 N/A


Applying for a determination creates an influence over the suspected grounds of goods that should be considered a dangerous substance. The application can enable Authority to determine dangerous goods be classified, marked or packed in accordance with the Dangerous Goods (Transport by Road or Rail) Regulations 2023.

Dangerous substances transport - Determination or variation $409 per determination or variation N/A