If you store in excess of 120L of any Flammable Class 3, PGII product (eg ethanol) you will need to apply for a licence to keep a dangerous substance.
To obtain a licence you must demonstrate your ability to comply with the requirements of the Australian Standard AS1940 The storage and handling of flammable liquids.
Guidance material
The following guidance documents have been prepared by safety regulators and industry associations in other states. Whilst the regulations that they quote maybe slightly different in South Australia, the principles of safety are the same.
Manufacture or supply of alcohol-based hand sanitisers – SafeWork Australia
Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitiser – Work Health and Safety responsibilities – SafeWork NSW
Manufacturing hand sanitisers – SafeWork NSW
Safety considerations when manufacturing alcohol-based hand sanitisers – WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
Road and rail transport checklist for alcohol-based hand sanitiser – National Transport Commission
Information sheet on safe production and transport rules for alcohol-based hand sanitisers – ACCORD