Blasters licence

You must hold a blasters licence to conduct a blasting operation including the preparation, assembly, charging or firing of explosives.

You should be familiar with the Explosives Regulations 2011.

Blasters - Application for licence $89.00 3 years
Blasters - Application for licence variation/replacementNilUntil next renewal


To be eligible for this licence you must:

  • be at least 18 years of age
  • hold a National Police Clearance Certificate less than 3 months old from the date of your application
  • have the necessary qualifications, experience and knowledge in the use of explosives.

A blasters licence is issued to an individual. A business/body corporate may not apply for a blasters licence.


A renewal tax invoice is issued 60 days prior to the expiry date of your licence. Please ensure you keep your contact details up to date. The tax invoice will provide details on how you can renew your licence. You must provide all supporting documentation along with the full application fee.


Before you can commence training in the use of explosives, you must obtain a blasting licence. A condition of 'TRAINEE UNDER DIRECT SUPERVISION' will apply to the licence. Only after the licence is issued, may training in the use of explosives commence.

Your employer is responsible for training and direct supervision until you are deemed competent in the use of explosives. You may then complete an application for a variation to the licence for our consideration. If approved, we will issue you with a new blasters licence.

National Police Clearance Certificate

You will need to complete a police check before applying for a blasters licence. This police check must not be more than 3 month old at the time of your licence application.

A photocopy of your National Police Clearance Certificate is acceptable if it has been sighted, signed and endorsed as a genuine copy of the original by:

  • an Inspector of Explosives
  • Justice of the Peace or
  • a police officer.

See our security clearance guide for further details.

Classification of explosives authorisation

Guide for applicants

Any explosive that is imported, manufactured, transported, stored, sold or used must be authorised by SafeWork SA.

A list of authorised explosives is available in the SA Government Gazette.

To apply for an explosive to be classified you must be able to provide sufficient information to SafeWork SA that defines the composition, quality and character of the explosive.

Provide the following information with your application:

  • details of the manufacturer
  • trade name of the explosive and relevant part numbers
  • the applicable UN number, proper shipping name and Class or Division
  • proof of classification in the form of documentation from a recognised Competent Authority which classifies the explosive and results of classification tests conducted in accordance with the UN criteria
  • if the product has been classified in another jurisdiction, proof of that classification
  • the chemical composition of explosive including the percentage of each ingredient of explosive
  • the Net Explosive Quantity
  • a Safety Data Sheet that complies with the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012
  • a technical data sheet and technical drawings (if applicable)
  • a detailed description of the packaging and applicable UN package test certificate
  • details of labelling on the product and packaging.

Once you have submitted an application, it will be assessed by an inspector.  Applications must include all required information before they will be assessed.

You should be familiar with the Explosives Act 1936.

Classification of an explosive - Application $218 (new)
$123 (amendment)

Importation of explosives licence

This licence is required for the importation (including importation from interstate) of any class of explosive in quantities exceeding 3kg. An importation of explosives licence is not transferable.

You must notify SafeWork SA at least two clear working days prior to the import of a consignment.

All imported explosives must be classified by SafeWork SA.

You should be familiar with the Explosives Act 1936.

Explosives - Importation - Application $80.50
(classification 1.2G, 1.3G, 1.4G, 1.45)

(other classifications)
1 year

Magazine licence

A Magazine Licence is required for all storage over 60kg (receptacle, store or magazine).

A licence granted shall be issued to the applicant and is not transferable.

You should be familiar with the Explosives Act 1936.

Explosives - Storage magazine - Application Fixed magazine:
$233 (not exceeding 1000kg)
$404 (exceeding 1000kg)

Portable magazine:
$161 (not exceeding 60kg)
$467 (not exceeding 1000kg)
$812 (exceeding 1000kg)
1 year

Manufacture of explosives licence

This licence permits the manufacture of authorised explosives at a specified factory site.

This licence is:

  • granted to the occupier of the specified factory
  • valid only for that occupier of the specified factory
  • only valid for the site specified in the licence
  • not transferable.

All explosives manufactured must be classified by SafeWork SA.

You should be familiar with the Explosives Act 1936.

Explosives - Manufacture - Application $400 1 year

Permit to purchase explosives

This permit is required for the purchase or acquisition of any quantity of explosives. This includes model rockets, commercial explosives, propellant powders and distress signals for re-sale.

To purchase or acquire fireworks you must hold a pyrotechnician’s licence.

In some circumstances explosives can be acquired without a permit to purchase.

These are:

  • propellant powders and black powder (other than blasting powder) in quantities less than 3 kgs
  • safety ammunition, safety fuse, railway fog signals and percussion caps
  • very signal cartridges
  • rockets or other distress signal devices when they are purchased for equipping boats or vessels.  If you are  purchasing distress signals for re-sale, you will need to have an explosive premises licence, prior to applying for a permit to purchase.

You should be familiar with the Explosives Act 1936.

Explosives - Purchase - Application Nil 1 year


You will need to complete a police check before applying for a permit to purchase explosives. This police check must not be more than 3 month old at the time of your licence application.

A photocopy of your National Police Clearance Certificate is acceptable if it has been sighted, signed and endorsed as a genuine copy of the original by:

  • an Inspector of Explosives
  • Justice of the Peace or
  • a police officer.

See our security clearance guide for further details.

An application made in the name of a Company must include a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation.

Storage of explosives on premises licence

This licence is required for the storage of explosives in quantities exceeding 3kg and up to 60kg. A Magazine licence will be required for the storage of explosives exceeding 60kg.

This licence is:

  • valid only for the licence holder
  • valid only for the premises named in the application
  • not transferable.

You should be familiar with the Explosives Act 1936.

Explosives - Storage premises - Application $73.50 (up to 30kg)
$133 (up to 60kg)
1 year

Transport of explosives by road licence

Guide for applicants - Less than 1,000kg of explosives

Guide for applicants - More than 1,000kg of explosives

This licence is required for the transport by road of explosives. It is not required for the carriage of Classes 1.3G, 1.4G, or 1.4S explosives, eg party poppers, Christmas crackers or safety fuses.

This licence is:

  • valid only to the licence holder
  • valid only for the vehicle specified in the application
  • valid only for the quantity of explosive stated in the application
  • not transferable.

You should be familiar with:

Explosives - Transport - Application $46 (up to 60kg)
$73.50 (up to 265kg)
$80.50 (up to 1000kg)
$233 (over 1000kg)
1 year